What is CAB?
The Joint Base focuses on identifying and resolving issues impacting Installation Military Members and their families and enhancing members' abilities to function as productive Installation community members. The CAB emphasizes strengthening force readiness through a sense of community and assisting Military members and civilians, families and communities to thrive and successfully manage the demands of military life.

The CAB, chaired by the Installation commander, is comprised of leadership across the installation and is a forum where issues impacting installation personnel are presented and action plans are developed to address the challenges agencies may be having concerning their programs or implementing new initiatives.

The CAT team supports the CAB by developing a comprehensive plan for implementing and marketing base-wide outreach and prevention programs, identifying community concerns for the CAB and proposing solutions, implementing collaborative activities as directed by CAB and identified by CAT members, and monitoring installation-wide suicide statistics and supporting suicide prevention programs.
Next CAB Meeting
CAB meetings are held quarterly. Joint Base CABs are the 2nd and 4th quarter and AF Centric CABs are the 1st and 3rd quarter.